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HomeTraditional Chinese以賽亞書 章節 - 20 - 呂振中版本 - 繁体中文

以賽亞書 章節 – 20 – 呂振中版本 – 繁体中文

以賽亞書 章 (Traditional Chinese Bible: Chinese Union Version – CUVT)

1 亞述王撒珥根打發了大元帥兼總督﹐大元帥兼總督來到亞實突﹐攻打亞實突﹐將城攻取的那一年﹐──

2 那時候以前﹐永恆主由亞摩斯的兒子以賽亞經手講話說:「你去解掉你腰間的麻布﹐脫下你腳上的鞋;」以賽亞就這樣作﹐裸體赤腳而走──

3 永恆主說:「我的僕人以賽亞怎樣裸體赤腳而走三年﹐作為責罰埃及和古實的豫兆和兆頭﹐

4 亞述王也必怎樣將埃及的俘虜和古實的流亡人牽走﹐無論老少﹑都裸體赤腳﹐光著屁股﹐使埃及人的下體露現。

5 以色列人必因他們所仰望的古實﹑他們所誇耀的埃及﹑而驚慌失望。

6 「當那日子﹑這沿海一帶的居民必說:『看哪﹐我們素來所仰望的﹐我們為要蒙援救﹑逃離亞述王﹑纔逃去求救助的﹐就是這樣地下落﹐我們呢﹑又怎能逃脫呢?』」

Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine is the founder of Catholic Gallery. He is a passionate Writer, An Artist, a computer geek and a part-time Blogger who loves to write a lot of contents on Catholicism in his free time. He is the founder of the Technical Blog, where he shares a lot of technical Contents. Stay connected with him on his social profiles.


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