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HomeTraditional Chinese以賽亞書 章節 - 12 - 呂振中版本 - 繁体中文

以賽亞書 章節 – 12 – 呂振中版本 – 繁体中文

以賽亞書 章 (Traditional Chinese Bible: Chinese Union Version – CUVT)

1 當那日子你必說:「永恆主阿﹐我要稱謝你;因為你雖曾向我發怒﹐你的怒氣卻已轉消;你已安慰了我了。

2 「看哪﹐上帝是拯救我的;我要倚靠﹐我不懼怕;因為永恆主(原文加:永恆主)是我的力量﹐我的詩歌﹐也成了拯救我的。

3 你們要從救恩之泉源歡喜快樂地打水。

4 當那日子﹑你們必說:「稱謝永恆主哦!呼求他的名!將他所行的播知於萬族之民中﹐宣布他的名極崇高。

5 「你們要唱揚永恆主;因為他所作的大有威嚴;願這事播知於全地。

6 錫安的居民哪﹐發尖銳聲﹐又歡唱哦!因為以色列之聖者在你們中間乃是至大。」

Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine is the founder of Catholic Gallery. He is a passionate Writer, An Artist, a computer geek and a part-time Blogger who loves to write a lot of contents on Catholicism in his free time. He is the founder of the Technical Blog, where he shares a lot of technical Contents. Stay connected with him on his social profiles.


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