诗篇 章节 – 124 – 吕振中版本 – 简体中文

诗篇 章 (Simplified Chinese Bible: Lu Zhen Zhong Version – LZZS)

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1 (大卫上殿之歌。)让以色列人说:若不是永恒主、他在为我们,

2 若不是永恒、他在为我们,那么、当人起来攻击我们,

3 向我们发烈怒时,他们早就把我们活活吞下去了;

4 那么、大水早就漫过我们,急流早就淹没我们了;

5 那么、狂傲的水早就把我们淹没了。

6 永恒主是当受祝颂的;他没有把我们当野兽所抓撕的、去给他们的牙齿咬。

7 我们好像鸟儿从捕鸟人的机槛里得逃脱;机槛破坏,我们就逃脱了。

8 我们的助力是在永恒主的名,那造天地的永恒主。

Pradeep Augustine: Pradeep Augustine is the founder of Catholic Gallery. He is a passionate Writer, An Artist, a computer geek and a part-time Blogger who loves to write a lot of contents on Catholicism in his free time. He is the founder of the Technical Blog www.GetCoolTricks.com, where he shares a lot of technical Contents. Stay connected with him on his social profiles.