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HomeSimplified Chinese诗篇 章节 - 43 - 中文和合本 - 简体中文

诗篇 章节 – 43 – 中文和合本 – 简体中文

诗篇 章 (Simplified Chinese Bible: Chinese Union Version – CUVS)


1 神啊,求你伸我的冤,向不虔诚的国为我辨屈;求你救我脱离诡诈不义的人。

2 因为你是赐我力量的神,为何丢弃我呢?我为何因仇敌的欺压时常哀痛呢?

3 求你发出你的亮光和真实,好引导我,带我到你的圣山,到你的居所!

4 我就走到神的祭坛,到我最喜乐的神那里。神啊,我的神,我要弹琴称赞你!

5 我的心哪,你为何忧闷?为何在我里面烦躁?应当仰望神,因我还要称赞他。他是我脸上的光荣(原文作帮助),是我的神。

Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine
Pradeep Augustine is the founder of Catholic Gallery. He is a passionate Writer, An Artist, a computer geek and a part-time Blogger who loves to write a lot of contents on Catholicism in his free time. He is the founder of the Technical Blog, where he shares a lot of technical Contents. Stay connected with him on his social profiles.


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